Shamlapur is a fishing village that lies on one of the longest stretches of uninterrupted beach in the world, between Cox's Bazar and the southern tip of Bangladesh. Many Rohingya have ended up here, working on boats or in construction, and often exploited by their Bangladeshi overseers. As beautiful as it is, the Rohingya are struggling to survive in the makeshift village here, particularly during the monsoon season.

Through the generosity of teachers like Mohammed Hossain, the headmaster of the school pictured at the end of this series, some Rohingya children are able to receive basic primary education in his makeshift classrooms. The cost for the classes amounts to 100 taka per month (approx. $1.20 USD). There are approximately 12,000 residents in the village, of which 4,000-7,000 are Rohingya.

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